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3 Easy Steps To Donate a Car and Get a Deduction

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At one time or another it will happen to just about everyone. You will get your W-2's from your employer, and sure enough you made some money!

That is a good thing right? Yes and no. It is a good thing as long as you had the adequate amount of taxes deducted during the year, but what if you didn't? What if you owe the government money on April 15th?

This can be a scary situation for most people, and can end up costing you dearly. What do you do if you owe the government more money than you have?

Find a deduction! If you have an old car sitting around or one that isn't running, they will work perfectly. Maybe you even have a car you've thought about trading in, that will work as well.

Here are 3 easy steps to an income tax deduction by donating a car (or other vehicle).

1. Do your homework.

There are many sites on the internet that offer free information about donating a vehicle. Is your vehicle worth more than $500? Can you deduct the full amount? Can you donate a motorhome? It is best to get this information from a third party so that they will not have a stake in what they are telling you.

A great site for information on donating a car can be found at Car Donations Online. Car Donations Online is a third party organization with no financial ties to any charity or nonprofit company.

2. Find your charity or nonprofit organization.

Do you know someone with cancer? Have you had a kidney related death in your family? Do you attend a church? Do you support pro-life movements? I would recommend finding a charity that you can be proud to donate a car to.

If you don't associate yourself with any charities that accept donations anywhere in the world, get out more often! There are literally thousands of charities and not for profit companies that accept donations, you will be able to find one that fits what you like.

3. Make your donation, and make sure it's deductible

For the majority of people, your full donation will be deductible. For some people, that may vary by state and by income. If you need advice, consult a tax professional.

Make sure you get a receipt for your donation, you may need it if you ever are audited. You may also need your receipt if you have your taxes professionally prepared.

Next time you get in hot water with the IRS, just donate a car!

Brandon Hopkins is the owner and founder of Car Donations Online, the most informative car donation site on the internet. He is available for speaking engagements and article writing. He may be contacted through his website at http://www.car-donations-online.com/.

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Looking to Donate a Car? Car Donation Programs versus Doing It Yourself

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Have you thought about doing something that is meaningful and full of good will? Many Americans wish to, but many never end up getting around to doing so. Do not be one of those individuals. You do not have to be rich to donate. Car donations are a great way to help out a good cause, especially if you do not have the financial recourses needed to make a large cash donation. In fact, you will find that you don’t even need to have a new car. Many donated cars are in less than perfect shape, but they are still appreciated.

If you have made the decision to donate your car, you have a number of different options. Those options often involve using the services of a car donation program or finding a charity, which will accept your donated car, all on your own. Choosing one of those methods isn’t as easy as it may sound. Perhaps, the best way to decide which donate car method is the best for you is to compare the two. The one that has the most advantages or benefits should be the car donation method that best fits your needs.

When it comes to finding a car donation company or a local charity, you will find that a car donation company is often easier to find. You can find the contact information for multiple programs online. This can easily be done with an internet search. For the best results, you will want to perform a search using the words donate car. Within a few seconds and with the click of a mouse, you should be able to find a local car donation program.

You can also familiarize yourself with local charities, especially ones that may want a donated car; however, it isn’t as easy as finding a car donation program. With car donation programs, you know exactly what they want. Unfortunately, not all local charities want or need a donated car. This means that after spending hours researching and contacting local charities, you could still be stuck with your car.

As previously mentioned, you do not have to have a perfect car to donate. Car donations are accepted in just about any condition, in most cases. Car donation programs are more willing to accept a non-working vehicle than one of your local charities. This is because most car donation programs partner with mechanics and other car experts. These professional could turn to your non-working car into one that works great. However, to do this time and money is needed. Unfortunately, you will find that most of your local charities do not have either. Therefore, if you have a car that is in less than perfect working condition, you may want to obtain the services of a donation program.

While it may seem like a car donation program has most benefits, you may still prefer to do your own leg work. If this is the case, go ahead. All that matters is that you made the decision to donate. Car donations are wanted by all different types of charitable organizations. It doesn’t necessarily matter how you get your vehicle to them, as long as you do.

Mariah Cruz is a writer for http://carangel.com/ where you will see abundant amounts of information on things such as a Car donation and other related information.

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Donate Your Used Car

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Planning to sell your old car? Think twice before doing so, since you will have to go through the procedure of contacting an agent or will have to put a classified in your local newspaper to sell your car. This would cause you constant phone calls and disturbance. Besides this it will take you a lot of time to sell your old car and find a suitable customer at the best price and get the paper work done.

With all these hassles, do you want to go through to sell your car? Consider donating your car to charity. There are many car donation programs run by different car charity organizations. You can donate your car to any of these charities or any of the charity that you support. The main charities which run a successful and trustable car donation program are American Kidney Foundation, Kars4Kids, Cure Childhood Cancer and Activated Ministries apart from the others.

You can donate your car to these charities. All you will need is your old car and a clean title. When you donate your car you will get a tax cut. This tax cut is usually equal to the price of your used car. To find out the cost of your car you can get it appraised by a certified car appraisal expert or refer to the Kelly Blue Book (KBB). Now with this information with you, all you have to do is give a call to your favorite car charity and they will have it picked up from your door step. Besides donating your car you can also donate your boat and motorcycles.

This car that you donate will help support the needy and give them a better life and also get you a tax cut. More importantly countless blessings. So go ahead, donate your used car today.

About The Author
Anurag Pareek writes for Car Donation Infoline – You guide to charitable car donation and car donation program . Donate your car and help a needy.

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New Charity Tax Law Car Donations

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Before 2005, the appeal of donating cars to charity was an idea that a lot of people considered. Old cars, which would not fetch a fair market price, would be donated to charity. In doing so, more valuable tax exemptions are met rather than going through the rigors and tiresome process of having the car appraised, maintained, and sold. Car donors would as get as much as a 100% mark-up value reflected in their tax exemptions compared to the price their beat-up cars would fetch when (and if) sold. Due to this great trade-off, more and more people started donating their old cars to charity since doing so provided a heftier financial benefit to themselves. It is along these lines that the IRS revised the tax benefits that one can take advantage of when donating vehicles.

The New Car Donation Tax Law was made effective on January 1, 2005. It states that only if the claimed value of a donated vehicle, such as a car, a boat or a plane exceeds $500.00 and is then sold by the charitable institution of choice, the taxpayer would be limited only to the gross proceeds of the sale. Furthermore, the charitable organization is given 30 days to issue a receipt of sale of the donated vehicles, if sold by the organization. The said receipt must reflect the amount of gross proceeds.

In the event that the charitable organization uses the vehicle and materially improves it, the charity must also provide receipt of the improvisations undertaken, purpose and duration of vehicle use. In the same way, the charitable institution is given 30 days to accomplish such. In this case, the donor may deduct the vehicle's market value.

Moreover, the new law prohibits donors/taxpayers from estimating the value of their vehicles by themselves for a write-off of over $500. More stringent measures are implemented by the IRS.

Currently, the IRS is working on the degree of ambiguity of the revised car donation law. More clarifications are in order to ensure that fair and equal pay-offs will benefit both the giver and the taker.

Charity Car Donations provides detailed information on Charity Car Donations, Child Charity Car Donations, Catholic Charity Car Donations, Used Car Charity Donations and more. Charity Car Donations is affiliated with Charity Car Donations.

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Car Donation - The Benefits and Why You Should Do It


Why on earth would someone want to donate a car? You might ask this question, but there are many reasons, including tax benefits, being charitable or saving time. Perhaps your vehicle isn’t worth much to you, but having it sold for charity is worth a lot to them.

The IRS will give a tax refund of $500 or the sale value of the car if you decide to donate it. You fill out a car donation form and you can allocate your charity from a list of eligible organizations that you want the sale to benefit. You will receive a receipt that qualifies you for the IRS tax rebate, so there is a guaranteed $500 for your car, possibly more. There will be no hassles, no running ads in the newspaper and having people come over to test drive the vehicle and no worries about trying to barter the price or having to pay for last minute repairs.

Most charities will choose to sell the donated vehicle, in which case you can deduct the amount they receive for it. If they decide to use the vehicle for a purpose within the charity, you will be able to claim the fair and average market value at the time you donated the car. They will take into account the current condition of the car and how much you could get if you sold it. That means if there is damage or if it needs repairs, it will be deducted from the value for your car donation tax rebate.

If the vehicle sells for or is worth more than five thousand dollars, you need to fill out an 8283 and 1040 form, plus have an official written valuation, and your form needs to be authorized at the highest levels. If the value or sale price is between $500 and $5000, you would fill in the 8283 form and the standard 1040 that is for all vehicle donations, but you do not need the written appraisal. For cars worth under $500 or sold for that amount you would fill in a 1040 only, along with a written acknowledgment from the charity as to the sale or the use of the vehicle.

Donating a car to a charity car yard can be a lot easier. Simply choosing the charity and leaving the car with them to sell saves you possible hassle. If they need to do any repairs, it will be deducted from you tax rebate and added to the sale price. This means you can’t profit from sending in a broke down vehicle in bad need of repair expecting to deduct the full sale value once it has been fixed.

This can be a great option if you are short on cash and want to sell your car but need a couple of repairs. Be upfront with the charity car dealer and let them know the problems. Tell them you are happy for them to deduct the costs of fixing the problems from your tax rebate, and they will appreciate your honesty. Charity car dealers will often have all the paperwork you need to apply for your car donation tax benefit on site.

It’s not all about the tax benefits though. Donating your car is a rewarding and charitable thing to do. The money raised, sometimes thousands, is donated to your charity of choice, whether directly from you or through a charity car dealership. That is a lot of meals or clothes or money towards research or whatever the charity of your choice contributes to. Not all charities do fall under the qualification for the tax rebate, but most do and the lists are available from the IRS website or the charity dealerships.

Next time you are considering selling your vehicle, think about a charity donation. If you do donate your car, there are definite benefits for the organization of your choosing and yourself at tax time. You may even decide to do it close to the end of the financial year so it doesn’t take too long for you to see the refund! Alternatively the money can come off your tax debt! It is like having an easy sale for your car but just receiving the money for it a while later.

But instead of grinding the figures and crunching the numbers, why not make the decision from your heart? You will get some reimbursement, less hassle, and be doing a very good deed for those in need. Be spontaneous and giving, and next time you are changing over vehicle, donate your used car to an eligible charity of your choice.

Want to know more about Car Donation? Check out Car Donation NY New York
Chin Lee is the webmaster of MidRiversRedCross.org (Car Donation)

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Donating Cars To Charity - New Tax Rules

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On June 3, 2005, the IRS released guidance on charitable deductions for donated vehicles. The American Jobs Creation Act (AJCA) radically changed the amount of the deduction taxpayers can claim for their donated car.

Fair Market Value v. Actual Sales Price

When donating a car to charity, a taxpayer traditionally was allowed to deduct the fair market value. The new law changes this valuation to the actual sales price of the vehicle when sold by the charity. The taxpayer is also required to get written and timely acknowledgment from the charity in order to claim the deduction

The AJCA does provide some limited exceptions under which a donor may claim a fair market value deduction. If the charity makes a significant intervening use of a vehicle--such as regular use to deliver meals on wheels-- the donor may deduct the full fair market value. For example, driving a vehicle a total of 10,000 miles over a one-year period to deliver meals is a significant intervening use.

The AJCA also allows a donor to claim a fair market value deduction if the charity makes a material improvement to the vehicle. Under the guidance, a material improvement means major repairs that significantly increase the value of a vehicle, and not mere painting or cleaning.

Interestingly, the IRS has also added an exemption not included in the AJCA. On its own, the IRS has determined that taxpayers can claim a deduction for the fair market value of a donated vehicle if the charity gives or sells the vehicle at a significantly below-market price to a needy individual, as long as the transfer furthers the charitable purpose of helping a poor person in need of a means of transportation.

If you intend to assert one of these exemptions, how do you determine the fair market value? Generally, vehicle pricing guidelines and publications differentiate between trade-in, private-party, and dealer retail prices. The IRS consider the fair market value for vehicle donation purposes to be no higher than the private-party price.

The new provisions of the Americans Job Creation Act certainly make it less attractive to donate a car to charity. Using the exemptions, however, you can still create a sizeable deduction while helping others who are less fortunate.

Richard Chapo is CEO of http://www.businesstaxrecovery.com/ - Obtaining tax refunds for small businesses by finding overlooked tax deductions and credits through a free tax return review.

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Donate A Car And Save On Taxes

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In return, on your private income tariff return they are capable to claim tariff deduction. If the car is not in a running condition then that is okay but it has to be in towing state so that it can be accepted as a donation. Donation of a car to some charity is worth donating than to trade-in.

New rules permit the donor for the deduction only on the transport's amount that charity receives. When charities receive your vehicle then they usually provide free liabilities for you and when they sells your car they always send you form of tax deduction that clearly says that how much money they have received in favor of your car.

There used to be donors of car who required a new vehicle and they finally buy donated as well as repaired vehicles.

You might have many old vehicles standing on the road or sitting on your assets that you use very rarely. Make sure that before donating any of your vehicles you should possess the title here in your hand. You can normally donate the car that is not in a good condition and not running either, depending on the charitable trust.

The donor gets the benefit by the donation made by him by getting a huge possible worth of the transport's tax receipt.

You will be pleased to know that after donating your car, the car will be taken by the charitable trust in couple of weeks. This makes your garage, yard, driveway empty. If any of your vehicles like: truck, motorcycle, boat, automobile, aircraft or RV is of no use than it may even go a lengthy line of attack in supporting the charitable trust of your type.

Ensure yourself to fill up all the formalities of the form that charitable trust gives you and make them ready to arrange for the driver to pick up your car. Advertising is not required. No privacy loss and security risk is there.

And paying for vehicle registration, repairs for your car to keep it in running situation, insurance is not needed while you wait for the buyer.

Try to drop the car to the charitable trust by yourself if your vehicle is in a running condition. This is made in the direction of saving the association from paying in favor of towing prices.

Those state needed security inspection certificate and smog certificates than you can also donate your car without even having these documents. Regarding fair market importance section there are some expectations in latest tax law.

To learn exactly how I save money on taxes, visit http://www.authorityhub.com/saving-money-on-taxes/ where you'll find everything you need to know about saving taxes on BIG and small purchases.

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How To Turn An Old Car Into The Best Car Donation Tax Deduction

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A car donation made to a reputable charity greatly benefits the charity and the donor. If the car donation is accepted, the charity takes care of towing expenses and provides you with the essential documents for your tax purposes. Car donation or charity car donation or used car donation or charitable car donation or donating a car to charity is the practice of giving away no-longer-wanted cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles to charity organizations.

Some car donors in need of a new vehicle even buy recently donated and repaired vehicles. You can get a car donation tax deduction up to the limits allowed by the IRS. Regardless of the laws, it's a good idea to protect yourself by having insurance coverage on your vehicle until it's donated.

Make sure you have the title to the vehicle handy when you call in your donation. And when you donate a car, you know you'll get it off your property within a couple of days, clearing out much needed garage, driveway or yard space.

Some charities that run the program instead of hiring a car donation program middleman are discriminating about which vehicles they accept, repair and materially improve, and they sell most of the vehicles at retail. One of the exceptions to the new IRS regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, provided the charity materially improves the vehicle. Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car, and the charity receiving it.

Just fill out the forms the charity gives you and have them ready for the driver when he comes to pick the car up. Best of all, by not selling your car yourself, you don't have to worry about total strangers calling you to get information about where you live, or coming to your house to see the car or other vehicle. If you have an unused vehicle sitting around, you never know when a storm might cause damage or your vehicle might get vandalized, or if on the street that it gets involved in an accident

Cars that are not being used make good donations, enabling many less fortunate people to have a means of transportation. If you don't intend to deduct the vehicle donation on your tax return, no further action is essential. For one thing your vehicle must have all four of its tires inflated to be accepted.

Some charity car donations may not qualify for the tax exemption because of their condition. If it's necessary to go through a middleman, find out what percentage of your donation will go to charity and shop around for the best deal. A charity car donation is usually picked up within one or two days of submitting the donation form.

There are similar charitable donation laws in all countries. The new rules allow the donor to deduct only the amount the charity receives for the vehicle. Certain commercial firms and trade organizations publish guides known as "blue books," that state average resale prices based on the model and year of your vehicle.

Don't let your unused vehicle go to waste just sitting. Cars are donated to the recipients directly or they are sold and the money is given away as charity. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, an average vehicle owner might spend more than $3000 per year.

And when you donate a car to charity, you know you'll get it off your property within a couple of days, clearing out much needed garage, driveway or yard space. A tax deduction is an important consideration for you when donating a vehicle to a charity - you should check out the charity, check out the value of your vehicle and see what your responsibilities are as a donor. If you think that donating an old car is a good way to ease your tax situation then check into it today.

For more information on choosing the best charity car donation, car donation program, used car donation or charitable car donation online and offline go to http://www.car-donation-info.com/ for charity and tax deduction tips, help, facts, reviews, including information on all types of car donation

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New Tax Law Benefits For Car Donation Tax Deduction

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The IRS has taken steps to take the guesswork and confusion associated with car donation tax deduction with a new law. When January 1, 2005 rolled around, you were able to deduct the full price that the charity of your choice receives for the sale of your car.

Many times people were hesitant to donate their car to a charity that so desperately needs the help simply because of the hassle involved in finding the fair market value of their vehicle if the vehicle was worth more than $500. Often the donator had to look up the car they were looking to donate in the infamous “Blue Book” to get an estimate for the fair market value in order to get the full benefits of a car donation tax deduction.

With the new law if your car sells for more than $500 at the auction where your car will be sold, the charity is obligated to send you a receipt that has your name and vehicle identification number or VIN of your car. They must also state that your donation was “arms length” which means that the person or organization you donated your car to is not related to you in any way whether it is your family or a business associate. They must also include the selling price of your car. This is the fair market value price. It is that simple. No more searching through records and books trying to find the right numbers to make your car donation tax deduction.

If the car you donate is sold for less than $500, it is up to you to determine the fair market value as long as the figure is below $500. The tax receipt that the charity is required to send you will be less detailed and will merely acknowledge your donation. The information included on the tax receipt will be your name, the date of the donation and a brief description of the vehicle.

The simplification of the laws concerning car donation tax deduction is good news for charities. As more people realize the good their car donation can do for others and the ease in which you can itemize your car donation tax deduction, they will be eager to help. Spread the word so that more people donate more cars to help even more people.

For more information about Car Donation Tax Deduction, feel free to visit us at: http://www.car-donation-land.info/article-2-Car-Donation-Tax-Deduction.html

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How to Make a Car Donation, Massachusetts

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If you live in the state of Massachusetts and are looking to get rid of an unwanted car or vehicle, there are lots of places you can make a car donation Massachusetts. All you have to do is do a little bit of research and you will find a wide variety of charities that will be happy to take your car and send it to auction to help their cause.

When you want to make a car donation Massachusetts, finding the right charity can take some time. There are so many charities that could use a car donation Massachusetts and choosing the one you feel will do the most good can be difficult. You can make your car donation Massachusetts based on your own personal feelings or simply choose a charity that is well known to you.

If you are ready to make a car donation Massachusetts, you will only have to make a phone call and fill out some simple forms. The charity of your choice will do the rest. From hiring the towing company to pick up your car often right at your residence, to sending the car to auction and providing you with the proper paperwork for your taxes, they will take care of all the details.

This can be good news for many who have struggled with other ways to rid themselves of an old, unwanted car. Selling it to someone else often seems like a good idea, but once you get into all the details, it becomes almost like a job. To sell your car you have to place an ad and take all the phone calls that will come in regarding your car. Many times you will have to deal with some strange people. All this can be avoided by making a car donation Massachusetts.

You can feel good about helping your fellow man to better his life. You can choose a car donation Massachusetts charity that targets youth, disease, hunger, homelessness as well as a host of other worthy causes. Deciding to give your car donation Massachusetts is a great way to give back the blessings you have in your life.

For more information about Car Donation Massachusetts, feel free to visit us at: http://www.car-donation-land.info/article-3-Car-Donation-Massachusetts.html

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Receiving Charity Car Donations

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A car donation involves donating a used vehicle to a charity organization. Charity is extended in many forms such as clothes, furniture and even cars. Cars are donated to the recipients directly or they are sold, and the money is given away in charity. Many people prefer to donate used cars to help society.

These non-profit making organizations aim at serving injured, homeless and helpless people by taking care of their needs. Car donations are common fund raising events all over the world. A car donation program serves as a mediator between the donor and the charity organization. It enables the vehicle to be available for more than one charitable organization to view and avail of.

The process of donating a car under a car donation program is usually pretty simple. The donation can be made online by filling out a form or by calling a toll free number. A towing company picks up the vehicle at a particular date and time suitable to both parties. It is essential that the donated car have a clear title and relevant documents. Once the car is picked up and is in the possession of the institutions, a donation receipt is issued to the donor within ten working days.

Car donations benefit the donors, as they are tax deductible. In order to claim a tax deduction, a tax-deductible donation receipt has to be presented at tax time. The tax deduction is either based on the fair market value of the car or the amount for which the donated car is sold by the organization. Donation also helps car owners to avoid the difficulties associated with selling a used car. Intricacies such as looking for a buyer, advertising and having to entertain unknown buyers in a home are eliminated.

Car Donations provides detailed information on Car Donations, Used Car Donations, Charity Car Donations, Car Donation Tax Deduction and more. Car Donations is affiliated with Donate a Used Vehicle.

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Car Donations Los Angeles - Tax Deductions

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Almost everyone drives nowadays. However, cars do not last forever. For many different reasons, people purchase new vehicles. Some people just want to drive a different car every year. Some people just like how it feels to drive new cars. Other people drive their cars until they are unable to be drive anymore.

The options are wide when you decide to buy a new car. There are endless models and types that you can choose from. You can either buy a new car, or a used one. Even though we need to make up our mind on a number of things for the new car, we should also think of the options that are available for the trusted old vehicle.

Even if your car is no longer drivable, there are many choices of what to do with it. A charity would greatly appreciate the donation of your used vehicle. If your vehicle is unable to be driven, many charities will take it apart and sell the parts.

Look on the Internet to find a place to donate your car. Check local charities first because it will cost less to tow the vehicle to a nearby location. For example, don't search for a Los Angeles charity if you live in New York. If you live in Los Angeles, a charity search for the Los Angeles area makes a lot of sense. Find a local charity which is willing to take your vehicle.

While donating your car is a great benefit to others, it is not without its personal benefits. You should keep in mind that if you donate your car to a charity, you could receive a tax deduction. You need to keep a receipt from the charity to record it when you file your taxes.

If you want to clear some space for your new car outside your house, then think about donating your old car. There are many charities which receive donations of cars. Find one which shares your values, and helping them out will feel even better. Some charities which receive cars fund medical research, while some work with under privileged children. You could donate your car to a catholic charity if you wanted. Search for "catholic car donations" as well as "car donations Los Angeles".

There are wide ranges of options available for your car, if it is drivable or not. For the sake of greater good, you can consider donating your car to a charity. Finding a place to donate you car can be done easily by performing an Internet search. If you live in New York, you don't want to enter "car donations Los Angeles" into the search engine. You could donate your car to a catholic charity if you wanted. Search for catholic car donations on the Internet. You can receive a tax deduction if you donate your car to a charity.

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Car Donation - Get The Facts First Before You Donate A Car

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Look around the yard, do you have an old car you want to or should get rid of? Is the car just taking up precious space and slowly deteriorating from lack of maintenance and proper care because you don't need it? Then for you a charitable car donation may be worth more than using the car as a trade-in or in any other way. If you decide to donate a car and the car donation is accepted, the charity arranges for and takes care of any towing expenses and provides you with the necessary documents for your tax return.

Donating a car eliminates the expense of any advertising, the loss of privacy and possible security risk from potential buyers. No need to pay for annual vehicle registration and/or emissions testing or insurance, and no need for any repairs to keep your car in running condition while you wait for a buyer. It's easy, just fill out the forms the charity gives you and have them ready for the driver when he comes to pick up the car. A large chunk of your donation money when it's received by the charity after they sell the vehicle, should not taken out for administrative fees or investments. Make sure to find out how much of your donation money goes for these fees.

Your car, truck, RV, boat, aircraft or other vehicle is usually marketed by the charity through various means including their own car lots and middlemen and sold to a buyer who is in need of a good used vehicle. If you're thinking about donating your automobile to charity, be sure to check out thoroughly the charity or car donation program that handles the donation. Certain commercial firms and trade organizations publish guides known as 'blue books,' that state the average resale prices based on the model and year of your vehicle. You can find these blue books at your library in the reference section or online.

If your auto, truck, boat, motorcycle, RV or other vehicle is no longer of use to you, it can still go a long way toward helping support a reputable charity of your choice. Best of all, by not selling the car yourself, you don't have to worry or wonder about total strangers calling you and getting information about where you live, or coming to your house to see the car or other vehicle.

Charities don't need to send you a form for cars that eventually sell for less than $500, but you'll still be able to deduct up to $500 on your tax return.

If it's necessary to go through a car donation program middleman, which you can find online, find out what percentage of your donation will go to charity and shop around for the best deal. There are a quite a few of them online.

As for your benefits, you as the donor of the car benefits by receiving a tax receipt for the highest possible value of the vehicle.

Make sure you have easy access to the title of the vehicle. If you have an unused vehicle just sitting around, you never know when a storm might cause damage to your vehicle or if it might get vandalized or if it's on the street get involved in an accident. Some charities that run their own program, instead of hiring a program middleman, are discriminating about which vehicles they will accept, repair and materially improve. They sell most of their vehicles at retail prices. One thing to note, your vehicle must have all four of its tires inflated to be accepted.

Important, one of the exceptions to the new IRS tax regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, provided the charity materially improves the vehicle. Charities usually provide you with a release of liability when they take your vehicle away. After the car sells, they send you a tax-deduction form that explains how much they received for your car.

Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car and of themselves. You can get a car donation tax deduction up to the maximum limits allowed by the IRS. You may also donate your car online to individual charities or through the car donation programs, some of which contract with charities.

It used to be that you could deduct the fair market value of the vehicle at the time of the deduction - but not anymore. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, an average vehicle owner might spend more than $3000 per year so a good reason not to keep the extra car around. In the end the donor is responsible to an extent to ascertain the value of their car after discussing it with the charity.

A charity car donation is becoming more common as people discover the nice tax deduction that is available. Choosing the best charity for your car can be overwhelming and you want to make sure your choice is the best and right choice for you. Why not donate your car, truck, boat, RV, motorcycle or even aircraft today and enjoy a nice tax deduction on your annual income tax return.

For more info on choosing the best charity car donation, car donation program, used car donation or charitable car donation online and offline go to http://www.car-donation-info.com/ for charity and tax deduction tips, help, facts, reviews, including information on all types of car donation

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Looking For The Best Charity Car Donation Program?

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You might have an old car or vehicle, which you don't use very often, just sitting on your property or on the street. A car donation that is made to a most charities greatly benefits both the charity and the car donor. To answer a common question, in most cases a donated car or vehicle doesn't have to run but it should be towable. And your vehicle must have all four tires inflated for them to accept it.

If the charity you're considering doesn't appear to welcome your questions and doesn't provide good answers about where the proceeds from donations will go then you may want to think about making your car donation to a different charity.

You want to locate your title to the car before you call in your donation. Once you have the forms from the charity just fill them out and have them handy for the driver when he comes to tow the car or vehicle. In the new tax law, regarding the fair market value section, there are some exceptions, for example, you can base your deduction on the fair market value of the car or vehicle if the charity sells it to someone in need at a discounted price or if the charity uses the car as part of its charitable plan instead of selling it.

And if you itemize your income tax return then a vehicle donation is allowed. Also, if your car is running, think about dropping it off yourself with the charity to save them from paying for towing costs.

Cars are usually donated to the needy recipients directly or they are sold and the money is given away as part of the charities function. Vehicles that are not being used make very good donations, allowing people in great need to have a dependable means of transportation. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, a vehicle owner could spend at least $3000 a year.

There are similar charitable donation laws in all other countries. Charities will usually provide you with a release of liability when they pick up your vehicle or you take it in, and after the car is sold, they provide you with a tax-deduction form that explains exactly much they received for it. Vehicles that need repair can be accepted provided the vehicle is fixable for less than what it would sell for.

One of the good exceptions to the new IRS tax regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, provided the charity does improve the vehicle materially. The "blue book" guides are used to show the average resale prices based on the model and year of your car or vehicle. The charitable organization uses any profit they receive from your vehicle to help fund their specific causes.

Regardless of the tax laws, it's a good idea to protect yourself by having good insurance coverage on your vehicle right up until it is donated. Donating will eliminate the need of paying for advertising for you vehicle, there's no loss of privacy and possible security risk from potential buyers who answer your ads and no need to pay for vehicle registration, insurance, and minor or major repairs to keep your car in running condition while you look for a buyer. Some charities that run their own donation program instead of hiring a car donation program broker or middleman are discriminating about which vehicles they will accept, repair and materially improve. They generally sell most of the vehicles at retail prices.

For the states that require getting smog or safety inspection certificates, you can donate your vehicle without any of these documents. In some cases charitable car donors can still claim the fair market value for their vehicle. Typically the vehicle is marketed by the charity and sold to a buyer in who is in need of a good used vehicle.

In the past you could deduct the fair market value of the car at the time of the deduction - but not any more. Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car, and themselves as the charity receiving it.

Picking the best charity for your car donation can be very overwhelming and you want to make sure your choice is the best choice for you. Major charity car donation programs include: the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart Car Donation Program and the Jewish Car Donation Program. So go ahead and donate your car, truck, boat, RV, motorcycle or even your aircraft today and enjoy a nice vehicle donation tax deduction on your next income tax return.

For more info on choosing the best charity car donation, car donation program, used car donation or charitable car donation online and offline go to http://www.Car-Donation-Info.com for charity and tax deduction tips, help, facts, reviews, including information on all types of car donation

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Catholic Charity Car Donations

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Car donation is a noble gesture since it can make a difference in someone’s life. Most Catholic charity houses depend solely on donations. Many people donate money or clothes to charities but donating a car is something that is rapidly picking up. Donating a car allows you to get rid of an old car-hassle free and can also provide certain savings on your tax forms.

Car donations made to some Catholic charities are tax deductible. You can claim the car’s fair market value if the car is worth less than $500 or if it is in good working condition. You can claim deduction equal to the actual sale price of the car is the car is worth more than $500. The charity house should be a qualified, 501(c)3 IRS registered charity since only such programs are eligible for tax deductions. Information about such charity programs can be obtained from the IRS website or in the Publication 78 that is available at most public libraries.

Determine the value of the car meant for donation. This can be done by checking the blue book value. Take the condition of the car into consideration while determining its value. Most charity organizations take donated cars for free, but there are some which charge certain fees. Make sure you have the title for the car.

These days, Catholic charity car donation has become very easy with online donation forms, easier processing and special services from the charity house like vehicle pick-up and towing. The forms can be filled online and all correspondence can be made through phone or e-mail. Once the car is taken, you would receive a receipt, a letter about the donation and a form 8283 from the IRS for “Noncash Charitable Contributions”.

Car charity organizations can be located online over the Internet or they can also be found in the yellow pages or through advertisements.

Charity Car Donations provides detailed information on Charity Car Donations, Child Charity Car Donations, Catholic Charity Car Donations, Used Car Charity Donations and more. Charity Car Donations is affiliated with Charity Car Donations.

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Police Car Donations

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When people donate a car they are creating a significant difference in the lives of the poor and afflicted. The donations can help and do reach out in places where scarcity, disease or natural disaster has caused widespread desolation.

There are many emergency departments that are in need of police car services. There are many poor countries that have limited budgets and are unable to afford police cars, which are exorbitantly priced. These departments sometimes depend on donations that are given by charitable institutions. They are either free of cost or at a minimum price. Some institutions rent police cars from charities.

Numerous non-profit charity organizations have a charity vehicle donation program that makes police car donations easy and fast. They normally pick up the vehicle for free and provide donors with the necessary documentation. This includes a tax-deductible donation receipt that is important for tax deductions. There are a few other organizations that also help people to choose a charity and donate police cars to the cause they feel most concern about. These car donation companies make the process of donating cars convenient and hassle-free for donors. However, before people make donations, it is always advisable to make certain that the organization is an authorized one. Donors can take necessary precautions and make it a point to speak directly to the representative of the charity.

Any trouble with the car, until it has been picked up by the organization, is the responsibility of the donor. However, after the car is brought to the charity organization, it becomes the responsibility of the organization.

Online sites are available that give information about police car donation charity organizations. They provide detailed information about hiring these cars. Police car donations are of a great help to police departments.

Car Donations provides detailed information on Car Donations, Used Car Donations, Charity Car Donations, Car Donation Tax Deduction and more. Car Donations is affiliated with Donate a Used Vehicle.

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How Would You Like To Save Lives Through Car Donation?

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So, how would you like to make a difference in your life and in the lives of many struggling people around the world? One recent movie said - ARK, one Act of Random Kindness - this is the secret to a meaningful life.

You know what? This is something that is not so hard to do. You can start by considering car donation. Car donation is a great way to show the world how much you care for other people. It is one clear way to show how one act of random kindness can spell the big difference.

If you are planning to buy a new car and you don't know what to do with your present car, well, you need not think any further because you might want to consider donating it to car donation. Instead of selling it, you can choose to give it to car charity and get benefits you will not get, although generally you will make lesser money from this.

But that's not the important point as you're not after the money anyway but what you want indeed is to help raise funds that will be of help to underprivileged people. By donating your auto to car charity you can also send poor students to school.

Funds generated from car donation could be used to help for the medication of many sick people. It could also be used for efforts that will help clean and save the environment. Victims of abuse are other people who can directly benefit from car donation. There are auto donation organizations focusing on cancer patients. There are also those who help build new homes of people affected by calamities like hurricanes and floods.

There are also non-profit organizations that open up programs that will aid people to find livelihood and jobs thus making them productive members of society. This can also make them very self-reliant. Giving your used car to car charity can be life saving for reasons already mentioned. This simple deed can assist in the efforts of non-profit organizations to improve the living conditions of thousands of people.

Orphanages and rehabilitation centers are among the institutions that benefit from car donation campaigns and drives.Other non-profit organizations like Yellow Ribbon Fund and Joy for Our Youth are good examples.

Not only that fund raisers like car charity will be help improve lives of Americans, it could also be helpful to other people living in other countries as there are foundations that focus programs to help them. Car donation organizations are examples of groups that are very easy to deal with and they are likewise very open to your questions.

If you want to help people and at the same time benefit from a simple act, the right option would be to give your car to car donation programs. It's great. It's moral and life-saving. So, what are you waiting for?

Go get that phone today or browse websites and contact people who are into car charity campaigns. Negotiate and see for yourself the advantages and goodness that car donation can bring you.

Alex Baumm, member of a car forum. Join our Car Forum and learn about Car Donation, talk about Car Purchase

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The Benefits of Donating a Car in America

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Rather than selling your car, there are a few options. Many people decide to donate their car to selected charities. This is a very ethical alternative to simply dropping the "lemon" off at the junk yard.

The process of a car donation is very simple. This course of action begins by having a donor contact the charity of their choosing to establish a pick up date. During this time, the charity will ask the year, make, and model. In addition, they will schedule a date for pickup when most convenient for the donor. Picking up your vehicle is next, someone will pick up the automobile, and either drives or tows (cars for donation do not necessarily have to be drivable to be eligible for the procedure) it to the auction hall where the car will be auctioned off. The third step is that each car donated within a certain timeframe will be auctioned to the highest bidder and a tax break for the car donor will be distributed accordingly.

Unfortunately, not all cars will sold at the auction. In a situation like this, the auctioneers will then contact the junk yard, and sell the former mode of transportation for parts. Depending on if your vehicle is auctioned for more than $500, a 1098B tax form will be sent to you by the selected charity within thirty days of the sale of the automobile. On the other hand, if your car was sold for any price below the $500 mark, you will be allowed to deduct the fair market value of the automobile from your taxes.

In addition to donating your car, you can also donate tailored boats, functional motorcycles, motor homes, trucks, and also snowmobiles, personal watercrafts, and any other recreational vehicle. Although it does not have to be up to date, the vehicle must have registration, and the title for ownership must be with the car. These charitable donation programs for dispelling unwanted vehicles are set up all across the country to provide service to anyone wishing to partake in the program.

The one major piece of advice that should be done before donating their automobile, recreational vehicle, or truck is to shop around. There are many companies that have variable donation rates or figures. Donating something as significant as a motor vehicle could potentially generate significant money; unfortunately, there are companies out there that will entice both charities and individuals into donating vehicles, and low-balling the bottom figures for both other parties.

Donate a car at Cars Helping America. Article written and distributed by Steve Cancel at Secure Link - Michigan Website Design.

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Donate a Car to Benefit Charities and Yourself

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The Internal Revenue Service allows for many different types of charitable deductions including cash, clothes, goods, and some services. One of the "goods" approved by the IRS that taxpayers may donate is their car. Although the IRS has tightened things up over the past few years, donating a car can benefit a favored charity and help yourself come tax day. Let's take a look at how your car donation can help you and a recognized charity.

Your six year old Buick LeSabre Custom has stood the test of time, but you have decided to buy a 2007 Buick La Crosse Limited to give yourself a car that is new, up to date, and thoroughly reliable. Your LeSabre saw you through long commutes to work, vacations at the shore, and it was the same car your daughter used to learn how to drive. With 140,000 miles on the odometer you know that the trade in value isn't going to be that great, so you consider donating the Buick to a charity such as the kidney foundation or to the association of the blind.

The IRS will reward your generosity if you follow certain ground rules:

--The charity must be recognized by the IRS and have 501(c) 3 status.

--You can only deduct the sale price of the car, not what you think someone might pay for it. Indeed, even though the Buick could possibly fetch more than $5000 if sold privately, you have to list the "gross proceeds" of the resale of the vehicle by the charity. So, if the charity sells your LeSabre for $3700, which is the amount you are allowed to deduct on your income taxes. Your charity of choice will provide written proof of the sale amount to you for your records once the sale has been made.

Just remember if you get to deduct $3700 that doesn't mean your taxes will drop by that amount. Depending on your tax bracket and what you owe the Internal Revenue Service and other deductions, you probably will save yourself a few hundred dollars per year. Of course, your motive for giving should be based in part on helping a charity not just receiving a decent deduction.

So, although the IRS has tightened up the rules concerning donating a car it can still be an important fund raising tool for charities while allowing you to receive a tax deduction and the joy of helping someone out in their time of need.

Jeff is the owner of Uk Lenders one of the Uk’s leading secured loan quote providers. If you are searching for that low rate on a secured loan then visit our site today for a free no obligation quote.

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